Why You Shouldn’t Work With Us.

Hello! I’m Luke, I’m the one lucky enough to steer the ship at Behaviour Digital. I've decided to pen this piece personally because, let's face it, this type of spiel can come off a tad cheeky or maybe even a bit confrontational. But hey, that's not the vibe we're going for.

I’m a big believer in laying it all out with honesty - yes, it’s a cliché, but it’s our kind of cliché. So, let’s dive into why we might not be everyone’s cup of tea, with the hope you’ll appreciate our straight-shooting approach.

👉 We’re in the traffic business, not the miracle business.

We’ve got a knack for digital marketing and an even bigger knack for keeping it real with expectations. Looking for tangible results, upfront feedback, and a collaborative vibe? You’re in the right place. But, let’s be real - not every campaign is a home run. Between aggressive competitors, Google shaking things up, and market mood swings, some things are just out of our hands.

Here’s our pledge: We won’t lead you on unless we see a clear win-win. It’s crucial to understand that success isn’t guaranteed. What is guaranteed, though, is our unwavering commitment to figure out the why behind any campaign hiccups, offering insights that could pave the way for future wins.

💬 Feedback is our love language.

In the realm of optimisation, data is king, queen, and the royal court. Without insights into how those leads are doing, we’re navigating in the dark.

Think of it this way: A conversion is merely the opening act. We want the full story - which leads turned into tales of success? What’s their worth over time? Give us the lowdown, and we’ll refine your campaign into something even more potent.

If doling out this data feels like a chore, we might hit a snag. But fear not, we’re more than ready to help you gear up with the right tools for the job.

🆕 New ventures, you’ve got our attention, but...

We get a kick out of fresh ideas, yet history shows us that entities with a bit of mileage and scalability prospects usually hit their stride with us. Startups bring the excitement of the unknown, testing a business concept in the wild, wild web.

Don’t get it twisted; we adore startups and have celebrated many successes together. Yet, it’s crucial we manage those sky-high expectations and navigate through the uncertainties hand in hand.

🤩 Online leads crave your affection.

In the digital bazaar, the need for speed (and response) is non-negotiable. An easy purchase process, answering calls promptly, and quick replies to inquiries aren’t just nice-to-haves; they’re must-dos. Fail to deliver, and your rivals are waiting with open arms. We’re not being flippant; it’s a jungle out there, especially in the competitive arenas. If responding with zeal isn’t in your playbook, our paths might diverge.

🤓 Specialisation is our secret sauce.

Behaviour Digital? We’re laser-focused on drumming up traffic and crafting conversions that count from your paid ad campaigns. Spreading ourselves too thin isn’t our jam. This singular focus has shaped us into the digital maestros we are today.

While we don’t claim to do it all, we’re part of a network that does. Need a hand beyond our beat? We’ve got you covered with referrals to the best in the biz.

Good things come to those who wait.

The game has changed - the old 90-day optimisation window has been shown the door, making way for Performance Max’s new timeline. It takes up to 45 days to reap the rewards with PMax. Now, we can really kick in from Day 46. Trust us, patience during this phase often leads to gratifying results.

🤝 Of course we want to work with you…

So, here I am, extending an invitation to join forces. This isn’t just about securing your nod; it’s about setting the stage for a transparent, truthful partnership. And hey, if we’re not a fit, no hard feelings. I wish you all the success in the world.

So, what do you say? Ready to make some digital marketing magic together?